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Autumn Lighting Fair, Outdoor and Tech Light Expo and Eco Expo Asia draw some 60,000 buyers

2 January 2025

The twin lighting fairs and the Eco Expo Asia concluded with success, attracting some 60,000 buyers from 150 countries and regions


61% of lighting industry respondents expect overall sales to grow in the next 12-24 months, while 61% of respondents foresee AI as a key growth driver in lighting industry. Eco Expo Asia successfully attracted buyers from various industries to procure eco products and green technologies, empowering enterprises on their sustainable development.

The 26th Hong Kong International Lighting Fair (Autumn Edition), the 9th Hong Kong International Outdoor and Tech Light Expo, and the 19th Eco Expo Asia, jointly organised by HKTDC, Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd and co-organised by the Environment and Ecology Bureau of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR), have come to a successful conclusion. The three exhibitions attracted some 60,000 buyers from 150 countries and regions, signifying Hong Kong’s status as an international conference and exhibition centre.

Sophia Chong, Deputy Executive Director of the HKTDC, said: “The recent Policy Address proposed several measures to enhance Hong Kong’s status as an international trade centre. The fairs created cross-industry sourcing opportunities and attracted some 60,000 buyers in total. The number of buyers from Brazil, Canada, Indonesia, Italy and the Netherlands increased from last year. Eco Expo Asia also drew many new buyer groups, including from Indonesia, Malaysia, and the United Arab Emirates (UAE), showing that ASEAN and Middle Eastern buyers view Hong Kong as an important trading and sourcing platform. These fairs further solidified Hong Kong’s role as a trade centre which also promotes green and low-carbon development.” 


Optimism on sales in the lighting industry

An independent survey of over 710 exhibitors and buyers at the Autumn Lighting Fair and Outdoor and Tech Light Expo revealed that respondents hold an optimistic outlook, with 61% respondents expecting overall sales to grow in the next 12-24 months, and 34% expecting sales to remain unchanged. For traditional markets, respondents were mainly optimistic about Australia and the Pacific Islands (74%), Korea (72%), and Taiwan (57%). Among emerging markets, the industry was primarily positive on Middle East (88%), Latin America (80%) and Russia (64%).

In terms of trends in lighting products, 61% respondents foresee that artificial intelligence (AI) is the driving factor of industry growth. Most respondents (43%) believed energy-efficient lighting control solutions to have great potential in the smart lighting industry in next two years, followed by home automation and smart lighting control systems (36%), wireless lighting control systems (27%) and outdoor smart security lighting systems (26%).


Hall of Connected Lighting with international brands launching new products

Under the theme “Light & Life”, the twin lighting fairs showcased innovative products and solutions that integrate lighting with life. The Autumn Lighting Fair revealed industry trends, such as sustainable development, healthy living, and innovative design. The Hall of Connected Lighting at the Autumn Lighting Fair featured over 50 internationally renowned brands from eight countries and regions. Amongst them, Shanghai Pudong Intelligent Lighting Association and the DALI Alliance collectively showcased numerous key brands to present their intelligent lighting ecosystem.


Cross-industry business opportunities through three fairs

Organised by the HKTDC, the Hong Kong International Lighting Fair (Autumn Edition) and the Hong Kong International Outdoor and Tech Light Expo formed a world-renowned lighting marketplace, attracting some 3,000 exhibitors collectively and more than 40,000 buyers and more than 10,000 buyers, respectively. Eco Expo Asia, co-organised by the HKTDC and Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd., drew over 300 exhibitors and over 8,500 buyers.

Under the EXHIBITION+ hybrid mode, exhibitors and buyers can engage in online business negotiations and matching through the Click2Match smart business matching platform until 8 November for the two lighting fairs and until 9 November for Eco Expo Asia.


Hong Kong International Lighting Fair (Autumn Edition)

Hong Kong International Outdoor and Tech Light Expo

Eco Expo Asia

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