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From 2027, LIGNA will be setting a new strategic course in terms of dates

21 February 2024

It will leave the usual event period over Ascension Day and from 2027 onwards will continue to be held in the odd-numbered years – but detached from the public holiday – in spring in Hanover, Germany. This was a joint decision by the LIGNA organizers, Deutsche Messe AG and VDMA Woodworking Machinery after intensive discussions. LIGNA 2027 will be held in Hanover from Monday, May 10 to Friday, May 14, and LIGNA 2029 from Monday, May 14 to Friday, May 18. The date of LIGNA 2025 over Ascension Day from Monday, May 26 to Friday, May 30 remains unchanged.


Making even greater use of international visitor synergies with interzum in Cologne

When rescheduling a world-leading trade fair such as LIGNA, many different aspects and complex interrelationships have to be evaluated and taken into account. Especially with regard to the international LIGNA visitors from overseas, the proximity of dates to interzum in Cologne is a factor. The two trade fairs are traditionally held close to each other and together attract international visitors overseas, for example. And it is precisely these visitors who benefit from the proximity of the two thematically complementary trade fairs when planning their travel and visits.


LIGNA dates 2025 to 2029 at a glance:

LIGNA 2025: Monday, May 26 to Friday, May 30 in Hanover (unchanged).

LIGNA 2027: Monday, May 10 to Friday, May 14 in Hanover (new).

LIGNA 2029: Monday, May 14 to Friday, May 18 in Hanover (new).

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