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The advantages of the honeycomb panel in furnishing

2 October 2020

Starcell produces sandwich panels having aluminium honeycomb “open-cell cores” and “solid-cells”

Starcell produces and deals with sandwich panels both having aluminium honeycomb “open-cell cores” (company’s ‘core business’ with more than 350,000 sqm produced in 2017) and “solid-cells” in raw version or coated with different materials and finishing: natural marble and natural granite, ceramic, decorating laminates (HPL and CPL), solid surfaces, woods, stainless steel and special metals.

The advantages of the honeycomb panels are lightweight, rigidity, dimensional stability, big dimension, resistance to fire and atmospheric agents and highly recyclable components. Both in the furniture and furnishing industry, honeycomb sandwich panels are particularly used for the production of cabinet doors, large doors (vertical application) as well as tables, kitchen- and bathroom-tops (horizontal application). The use of innovative materials, so as the particular production-processes made Starcell known as one of the most exhaustive and reliable suppliers of lightweight solutions for the furniture sector.

The honeycomb panels are suitable for all finishing and can satisfy both the demand for large productions and the ‘tailor-made’ production destined to the individual customer who aims to create a unique piece: RAWCELL® line (raw panels to be coated), XILOCELL® (wood finish panels), MIXCELL® (solid surfaces or HPL / CPL laminate finish), LITHOCELL® (natural or recomposed stone finish ) and METALCELL® (coloured or natural metallic finish in stainless steel, aluminium and titanium zinc).

To provide their finish and complete products, Starcell avails itself of local exclusive partners to support the customers to realize the desired process. From typical cutting/squaring operation or edging (inline, with the insertion of specific profiles or with ‘folding’), to CNC machinery operations and pre-assembly with the insertion of mechanical connections and appropriate fastening systems.

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