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Replacing traditional lighting in churches with new-generation LED sources

10 April 2022

Universal Science and the LED relamping for the church of San Vittore Olona, Italy


Application examples of Universal Science products now include the LED relamping of the parish church of San Vittore Martire, in San Vittore Olona, on the outskirts of Milan. As per definition, the relamping intervention saw the replacement of traditional lighting with new-generation light sources, with energy optimization, only LED lighting can achieve.

The concept of LED relamping is most commonly associated with public lighting. Most of the energy requalification projects in which Universal Science has been involved relate to this application field. One of the success stories was the backlighting of the streets in Certaldo, close to Florence, Tuscany. The project in the church of San Vittore Olona is further demonstrating how the relamping concept can be applied to any kind of requirement in the field of LED lighting.


Energy efficiency intervention in San Vittore Olona (Milan)

The first LED relamping project in a church took place in late 2019 when the Universal Science team renovated the lighting in the parish church of SS. Nazaro e Celso in Bareggio (Milan). In this case, 20 inefficient lighting points were replaced with RED – Integrating Lighting Technologies LED modules, developed and produced in-house. The last project, in the parish church of San Vittore Martire in San Vittore Olona (Milan), involved the retrofitting of 18 lighting points, whose source was replaced by LED modules of the LightMAX family, complete with their respective optics. The new lighting points are highly efficient and blend in perfectly with the architecture of the church. By illuminating suitable spots, they enhance the structure of the vaults and bring out the best in the colour of the frescoes and statues.


The product choice: the Relamping Kit

Among Universal Science’s range of lighting components, the Relamping Kit was chosen for the church in San Vittore Olona, using two different versions of high-power LED modules: LED Modules 2×6 (R0344) and LED Modules 2×2 (R0308). The kit included respectively the LED optics of the CUQ and BXJ by LedLink Optics, a long-term partner of Universal Science. Furthermore, thermal interfaces and heat sink plates completed the kit. This product kit, now well consolidated within Universal Science’s proposals, is usually offered for high-power outdoor applications with the addition of an anodised aluminium heat sink and a LED power supply with a high IP rating.


Universal Science

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