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The numbers of the supply chain in the wood-furniture regions in Italy

14 June 2024


Lombardy has earned the first position among the Italian regions regarding wood furniture – in terms of turnover, exports, number of companies and employees. Its turnover amounts to 10.8 billion euros, divided between wood (3.9 billion) and furniture (6.9 billion). There are just over 8,600 companies, of which over 4,600 in furniture (54%) and almost 4,000 in wood (46%), while there are more than 53,000 employees, of which about 33,000 in furniture and just over 20,000 for wood. As regards exports, despite a slowdown (-2% compared to 2022), Lombardy is also the first region (with a share equal to 30% of the total) in terms of the exported value of the supply chain: 4.9 billion euros in 2023 of which almost 4.3 billion euros for furniture (87% of the total). The trade balance is positive (just under 2.8 billion euros). 61% of the furniture production turnover in Lombardy focuses on exports (3.4 billion euros in 2023, a slight decrease (-1.9% compared to 2022), reaching more than 180 countries. France, with a growth of 3.3% over 2022, returns to being the first destination for furniture while the United States (first non-EU destination) drops to second place and marks a -9.7%, while Germany is in third, recording -3.3%. Very positive trends towards the United Kingdom (+14.9%) and the United Arab Emirates (+28.2%) and, outside the main destinations, Saudi Arabia (+20.8%) in 13th position and India (+16.3%) in 21st place, among the main destinations, was towards China (-13.3%); 52% of Italian furniture exports reach China. In 12th place, Japan is also -18.9% compared to 2022.

In furniture production, the province of Monza Brianza holds the record, with 1,325 companies, 9,879 employees and a turnover of around 2.2 billion euros. It has the highest number of Italian companies dedicated to the sector and covers 40% of the total turnover of the regional supply chain, with approximately 1,750 companies and almost 12,400 employees. As regards the trade flows, Monza Brianza is by far the Lombard province with the highest value of furniture exports, over 1.2 billion euros in 2023 and a trade balance of 1.1 billion EUR. Despite a decline of 16.3% compared to 2022, the United States remains the leading market. Followed by France, with a +7.8% compared to 2022, will overtake China in 2023 and become the second market. In third place is China, despite a decline of 13.4%. Increasing trend towards the United Kingdom (+14.5%) and the United Arab Emirates (+26.1%) entering the top ten. South Korea (+39%) gains one position, reaching the thirteenth place.

Como is the second province for furniture exports with a value of 786 million euros, a turnover of 1.2 billion euros, 865 companies, and 6,583 employees.

Milan, at the level of the Wood-Furniture Supply Chain, is the second province behind Monza and Brianza, with a turnover of 2.3 billion, 1,673 companies and 9,603 employees. While for the furniture sector, it is third with a turnover of 909 million euros.

Lecco is the Lombardy province that in 2023 recorded the most significant growth in furniture (+20.8%), which for furniture even becomes +22.7%. Germany becomes the first market for the province with a +56%, France second with 10 million euros and a +15.9%.



For the Wood-Furniture Supply Chain, Veneto takes second place among the regions, both in terms of turnover of 8.2 billion euros, of which 6 for furniture and 2.2 for wood, and for number of companies (6,400) and employees (45,000). The trade balance is 2.3 billion euros.

It achieved first position for furniture, for turnover (5.5 billion euros) and number of employees (over 28,100 employed). Second, behind Lombardy, referring to the number of companies (3,166). As regards the export of the L-A supply chain, Veneto stands at 3.9 billion euros (equal to 23% of national exports), of which 3.5 billion for furniture and just under 418 million euros for wood. The Furniture sector makes the largest contribution by exporting 3 billion euros, with a trade balance of 2.7 billion euros. 55% of Mobili in Veneto’s turnover is destined for foreign countries, reaching more than 170 countries. Among the destinations, France is confirmed as the main reference market, growing by +3.4% compared to 2023. Despite a contraction of 13% compared to 2022, Germany, in second place, represents the first furniture supplier for Veneto with a share of 40%. Exports also decreased towards the United States (-13.4%), the leading non-EU country, and above all towards the United Kingdom (-17.9%) and China (-18%). Veneto, after Lombardy, is the second region in terms of the exported value of wood: 418 million euros. Considering only the initial processes – cut and planed wood – it is first in terms of exported value equal to 150 million euros.

In 2023, Treviso is still first in Italy for exported value at the supply chain level (2.2 billion euros) and furniture (1.8 billion euros). It has 1,639 companies and 20,505 employees for an overall supply chain turnover of 4.5 billion euros, approximately 3.6 billion in furniture and 921 million in wood. The export trend is decreasing (-8.4%), determined by all the main markets: in particular Germany (-15.7%), the United States (-19%) and the United Kingdom (-23.5%). Among the top ten destinations, Spain (+4.1%) is the only country in positive numbers and – outside the top 10 –

the Netherlands (+11.5%) is in 13th place. Followed at a distance in terms of the exported value of Furniture, Vicenza is stable (551 million euros), and Padua (328 million euros) is growing (+2.4%). Venice is the province with the highest decline (-11.6%). Belluno is the one that grows the most (+15.6%).


Friuli venezia giulia

Friuli-Venezia Giulia, with a production of approximately 4.9 billion euros, is the third region in terms of turnover in the Wood-Furniture Supply Chain, of which approximately 1.3 billion for wood and 3.6 for furniture. There are 1,709 companies, of which 958 are in furniture, while there are 19,382 employees, most of them employed in furniture (14,588). Friuli-Venezia Giulia is also the third region in terms of supply chain exported value with a value of 22 billion euros, recording the most significant decline (-10.1% compared to 2022) among the top five regions. The trade balance is 1.7 billion euros. Furniture exports amount to just under 2 billion euros (16% of the total) and have suffered a decline of 10.2%: The United Kingdom, down 9%, confirms itself as the first destination for Friulian furniture exports while the United States, although recording the highest decline (-16.3%), maintains second place. France is third at -5.8%, Germany fourth at -2.2%, and Spain, in fifth position, bucks the trend with +3.6%.

Also in 2023, Pordenone is, after Treviso, the province that exports the most wood and furniture (1.4 billion euros; -9.5% decrease compared to 2022). It has 558 companies that employ over 11,000 people for a total turnover of almost 3 billion euros. Furniture has a significant weight both in terms of turnover (just under 2.6 billion euros) and in terms of number of companies (358) and employees (9,585). Furniture is the most significant sector for exports which in 2023 will be worth just over 1.3 billion. Despite a decline (-4.6%), the United Kingdom becomes the first reference market, while the United States (-16.1%) drops to second place, ahead of France (-7.1%). Exports to Germany and Spain grew by 2.5% and 3.5% respectively. Udine follows, seventh nationally, with 463 million; Gorizia (twentieth) and Trieste (65th) but with much lower values.

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