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FLAI Itinerant and Autonomous Light Source

15 September 2021

By MAIS project for Diomede


Acronym of Fonte Luminosa Autonoma Itinerante (Itinerant and Autonomous Light Source). It is a manifesto about the freedom to personally experience either indoor and outdoor lighting. A philosophy presented in 2019 by Diomede, it is designed by the creative duo MAIS project and engineered by ing. Cavalli. Nothing should be chained with a cable no more. “Wireless” is Diomede’s motto. What is light in today’s digitized and weightless world, in the realm of the connectivity? Light can become part of our living: an essential element to create comfort zones. FLAI is an icon from the future, a change of perspective, that is no more restricted in just one place and it is a fluid element of the digital web we are living in.

FLAI is a concept of contemporary itinerant light, it expresses nowadays domestic nomadism. The user is nomad and demanding, he does not want limits, he does not have a fixed seat but he wants to be well served. FLAI is a versatile, free and portable light. FLAI does not lead to the discovery of a place but to the rediscovery of a space. The device is made of thermoplastic material with IP54 protection degree, containing a 3/6W dimmable LED module with dynamic white. It can hold 2 or 4 lithium batteries that guarantee autonomy from 7 to 11 hours. The coupling system is spherical with magnetic attraction that allows maximum adjustability. Charging takes place through two gold-plated metal contacts located in top of the device where you can also find the capacitive power button.

The supports are developed based on the experience. They are the result of prototipation, use and analysis of the sharing moments. The objective was twofold: meet the needs of the daily context of use and propose new ones. Thus, ten supports were born. They are in constant evolution and they amplify FLAI’s freedom. They all share a common characteristic and a reason for being: the spherical coupling system.



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