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SNAIL, the exclusive silicone lens by KATHOD for doors and windows lighting

5 September 2022

The SNAIL Lens by Khatod is an exclusive optical solution made of silicone, meant for the illumination of windows and doors. The name evokes its shape, which together with the small size makes it unique, unobtrusive and elegant. SNAIL enables to create great graphic lighting effects and exalts the structural peculiarities of any environment and building, indoor and outdoor, making them more attractive and impressive.

It performs an excellent blade-shape beam angle that emphasizes the frame structure, while creating an amazing 3D lighting effect. It works with world-famous top-quality LEDs – 2×2 mm/~358Lm – both dynamic white and full colors. The wide variety of LEDs currently available on the market enables to customize the LED clusters with multiple colors.

SNAIL is a high performing lens and allows to use clusters made up to 4 LEDs with 2x2mm package. When assembling the parts, the LEDs must be lined up in a single row under the lens. The customers are given the opportunity to choose the color that best meets their requirements by customizing the light color without penalizing the optical performance. The optical and mechanical characteristics of this special lens and the possibility to use it with white and colored LEDs, enable to create special light effects you can run in single colors as well as in color mixing, depending on the LED sources you will use.

In any configuration, PLL2203SR Lens will be the ideal optical solution able to bring out the shape or depth or structural characteristics or any other peculiarity of the target application. When you want to emphasize the applied environment and its peculiarities through lighting, visual comfort must not be influenced by any lighting device that, in this case, may affect the evocative visual experiences inspired by light. PLL2203SR Lens fully meets this requirement thanks to its key features that make it one-of-its kind.

Very small in size and exclusive in shape – it resembles a small snail – it is almost invisible. Just a perception in the lighting installation. Made of silicone, ensures great resistance to water and dust penetration, to impacts and extreme temperatures. It comes with the holder. Mounted at the centre of the bottom or top or side edge of windows or doors, it creates a great graphic lighting effect and enables to customize the illumination in spaces, environments, modern and historical architectures, outdoor facades, showcases, hallway entrance and aisles, etc. Wherever applied, it exalts the structural peculiarities of any environment, building or structure. Few screws ensure easy and immediate assembly onto the lighting installation.

Applications: indoor and outdoor. Windows and doors in modern and historical architectures, building facades, hallway entrance, corridors and aisles, portico perimeters, residential buildings and gardens, pathways, decorative lighting, landscape lighting, showcases, etc.

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