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The new Imoon showroom in Milan

21 July 2021

The management of lighting control systems for retail designed and implemented by Elettroservice


Imoon, a leading player in the design and production of lighting solutions for the Food & Fashion Retail sectors, has recently renovated its showroom in Milano. Founded in 2010, it has always focused on the value of quality and design, rigorously Made in Italy, embodying the typical features of the Italian industry in the world made up by an imaginary of style and creativity. Today it is an international player in continuous growth thanks to strategic direct offices in the United Kingdom, the Czech Republic, Turkey, South Africa, Finland and commercial partners widely distributed in the EMEA region and the Americas.

There are over 40 countries around the world where Imoon solutions are present, used in 400 stores every year, in collaboration with the most important Food Retail brands. For the lighting restyling of the Milanese showroom, Imoon made use of the collaboration of company Elettroservice in Padua, Italy, which oversaw the implementation of the light control systems using components supplied by Helvar.


The organization of the exhibition area

The Imoon showroom was designed to display many stores in one thanks to the thematic areas in which it is divided: from the food area to the wine shop, passing through the Lab and the Hospitality area to the Fashion store where the particular focus is the evocative power-effect given by multiple sets of light, involving the visitor with sensorial and perceptive stimuli, which are always one of the most important aspects in Retail Design. The sensory and emotional sphere, linked to the expressiveness of the lighting design, plays a fundamental role in guiding consumers towards the shopping experience. In addition to its functional and perceptive values, light is now a point of connection between the coordinated image, the layout of the interior spaces and the attractiveness of the products on display.

Three primary factors came into play in the showroom light design: the surfaces to be illuminated, the light sources and the people who must use the spaces, to enhance the perception of the environments and guide the consumer to discover the main features of the displayed goods, in any case using the most advanced LED technologies. It is part of Store design to make the consumer experience unique and in which light plays a fundamental role. Each environment needs appropriate light, every retail area in the showroom has a customized lighting concept: each product family is based on LED, colour temperature, type of light beam, design and installation methods.


The light management system

Custom light is closely related to lighting control systems and this is the reason why Imoon decided to involve Elettroservice, Helvar’s partner for Italy, in the project of the showroom to managing the light. Imoon lighting fixtures are compatible with DALI, a distributed intelligence system allowing different light emissions, automatically or with selective remote programming, based on the lighting scenarios. A versatile and easy-to-use standard allowing to configure different dynamic scenes, to vary the type of light or to favour a rational use of natural light by applying sensors, in support of higher energy savings. The various areas of the showroom are managed by a single centralized system consisting of two Helvar’s IMAGINE ROUTER 910 which manage the lighting fixtures through the DALI buses.

It is possible not only to dimmer each luminaire, but also to create, store and recall various pre-set lighting scenarios directly from eleven 8-key push-button 939 Helva. Furthermore, through the Helvar Sceneset application available for IOS and Android and directly connected to the router, it is possible to control and modify the pre-set scenes simply and intuitively, even remotely, to meet every usual and unusual need of the showroom.

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