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The permanent showroom in the hotel

2 December 2021

DEMO. The courage of an idea.

Awaken the sense of wonder and create a memorable experience is the goal of DEMO, a visionary idea embodied in the context of the Romagna coastline with toes sinking into the golden sands of Rimini. Starting from the recovery of a local boarding house in the project has involved fourteen architectural firms called to rethink the spaces of what was once a local  spaces of what is already an experimental hospitality hub.


A smart idea has been realized in Rimini (Italy), to convert an old hotel on the Romagna coast without anything more to offer into a hotellerie point of reference. From an idea of Mauro Santinato, president of Teamwork Hospitality – the well-known hotel consulting company – the structure opened in summer 2021 bringing with it an air of innovation. Already the name and the payoff are programming: DEMO Design Emotion, a design hotel that gives emotion and that at the same time wants to be a symbol of sustainable and valuable design, a concentration of innovation in the sector.

DEMO is a hub of experimentation both for the architects involved and for the partner companies, a creative laboratory where the novelties of hospitality are being concentrated. It is a strong message not only for the city but for the entire hospitality industry. There is a need for renewal.” Santinato affirms.

The idea was born from a winning intuition developed in parallel with a successful event, Rooms, conceived by Teamwork Hospitality and realized during an industry trade show. The concept, developed in two consecutive years in 2018 and 2019, focused on hotel rooms each designed by a different architect who gave voice to his or her personal idea of hospitality. The rooms were open for viewing during the three-day duration of the trade show event.


If designers and companies agree to put themselves on the line for three days of the fair, why not propose the concept in a permanent showroom set in a hotel that really works?

That’s what Santinato thought when he proposed his vision to the fourteen architects involved in the project. “The designers, all of them specialized in the hotel industry, were enthusiastic about the initiative because it was an opportunity for them to express themselves freely and represent their idea of hospitality,” Santinato continues. “There is no other example of this project in Italy, it is a unique experience that wants to be an attraction in the destination and aims to make it an emotional and experiential adventure staying in the hotel thanks for its originality.”



– It is a completely non-managed structure, for which the technologies utilized were requested to achieve their maximum potential. A challenge also for the partner companies.

– Aesthetic research at the highest levels combined with simplicity of use and functionality.

– Extreme attention to detail.

– Particularly sophisticated site logistics.

– Involvement and participation of 14 design studios.

– Partnership with 90 companies.



The brand and the visual identity have been studied by the communication studio Santacroce DDC. “We wanted to emphasize the dynamic and emerging character of DEMO, studying a brand able to compose and recompose itself, able to communicate also by abstraction“, explains Paolo Santacroce.  The color plays a fundamental role, and not by chance is the language chosen for the common parts.



DEMO consists of nine suites, a lobby, a co-working area, a laundry, and services on the ground floor. Each space has its own identity that can be previewed by the title of the project.



Project Management | Hospitality Project – Filippo Covili Faggioli, Marco Pignocchi

Marketing consulting | Teamwork Hospitality

Artistic coordination and direction | Laura Verdi

Commercial Coordination | Piero Marini

Corporate identity |SANTACROCE DDC

Graphics | Anna Salvatori

Social Media| Carla Mussoni

Communication | Mara Antonetti

Photo | Fabio Bascetta

Photo | Francesca Pagliai

Photo | Flavio Ricci

Photo | Lago



Architectural and structural design and municipal practices | Loris Rinaldi

Electrical and special systems designer |ESA PROGETTI – Claudio Ottaviani

Thermohydraulic systems designer | LABORATORIODIMPIANTI – Andrea Raggini

Security Project | Vanessa Biffi

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