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Concreta realizes the interiors of the Mottolino Fun Mountain Project in Livigno

16 November 2022

A prestigious realization has been added to CONCRETA’s portfolio, proving once again the excellence of its consolidated know-how and creative flexibility recognized for the original, personalized and efficient furniture solutions made by the interior contractor from Postalesio, in Valtellina (Italy). In Livigno, an innovative, dynamic and multifunctional project was born from the intervention of CONCRETA in harmony with Progetto CMR, an integrated design company and the LPS studio, for the architectural project.

The Mottolino Fun Mountain project celebrates and enhances the mountain and its charm, through new methods, in a dynamic dialogue between the natural element and technological installations, in a succession of situations and related environments. The new Headquarters is a “home” – comfortable and technological – conceived for those who want to alternate skiing, entertainment and work, meeting the needs of a public of different ages and a young clientele who lives a continuing Phygital experience, between the physical and digital worlds. The Kosmo Taste the Mountain – Livigno & AlpiNN, based on the philosophy of chef Norbert Niederkofler, awarded three Michelin stars and the sustainable Green Star, has opened its doors. The project also includes the Mottolino offices which will be operational from April 2022.

The interior design of the Mottolino Headquarter and the Kosmo Taste the Mountain – Livigno & AlpiNN was entrusted to CONCRETA, a company specializing in the realization of high quality interior contractor. CONCRETA worked in record time to complete this project in which it was asked to design and supply: the furniture for the interiors including floors, wall and ceiling coverings, custom-made furniture made in its Postalesio seat, catalog accessories of renowned Italian companies and all the lighting (performed in collaboration with Artemide).

From the acquisition of the project in March 2021 to the start of the work in October 2021, CONCRETA began to choose the materials and technical aspects in agreement with the client and the CMR design studio, according to criteria inspired by the aesthetic effect and functionality. Then, it designed and produced in its workshop all the custom-made furniture and complementary accessories. After that, the realization began, between October and December 2021, in full compliance with the timeline, with the specialized teams of CONCRETA professionals who have worked with unwavering commitment. The goal was achieved also thanks to an exceptional sense of belonging to this particular project on the part of all companies and professionals involved and of the client, Mottolino, always open to constructive confrontation.

CONCRETA has always been distinguished by its attention to details in the context of a global approach; extraordinary modern spaces are combined with the history of the atmospheres and identity of the place, leading to the realization of original atmosphere of strong personality.

In this project, CONCRETA designed a surprising element for the Restaurant: a 13-meter mega table in a single piece of cedar wood and resin, completed by a 24-meter wooden bar counter, made with the best technologies currently available.

Particular attention was paid to the acoustics in each space. Thanks to the participation of the highly qualified engineer Paolo Gallo, custom-made soundproofing panels were produced to meet the technical and aesthetic criteria. Not available on the market, these panels were first tested then designed and produced in CONCRETA’s workshop. The impressive number of holes – one and a half million – made in the panels challenged the numerical control machines but allowed for customized, high-performance sound-absorbing solutions.

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